O (FGTS) It is one of the main rights of Brazilian workers, offering financial security in specific cases, such as unfair dismissal. Is the FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal Worth It?
Furthermore, the FGTS can be used in situations such as buying a home or in cases of serious illness, providing additional security to workers
Recently, the government created the modality of FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal, allowing annual withdrawals of part of the balance of the Severance Pay Guarantee Fund (FGTS) in the month of the worker's birthday.
So, is this option FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal is Worth It? Let's analyze the pros and cons to help you make the best decision.
O FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal It is a modality that allows workers to withdraw part of the balance in their FGTS accounts annually, in the month of their birthday.
Unlike the Withdrawal-Rescission, where the worker can withdraw the entire balance in case of dismissal without just cause, the FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal only provides a portion of the total amount.
By opting for FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal, the worker must notify Caixa Econômica Federal.
From this choice, he will be able to withdraw a percentage of the FGTS balance annually, according to the table established by the government.
Therefore, the table varies according to the total balance, offering lower percentages for larger balances, in addition to a fixed additional installment.
One of the main advantages of FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal is the possibility of early access to FGTS money.
Instead of waiting In specific situations, such as dismissal, the worker can use part of the resources annually, providing greater financial flexibility.
With money in hand, it is possible to better plan your finances.
This annual withdrawal can be used for investments, debt payments or even emergencies.
This annual predictability allows for better management of resources and a financial planning FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal adequate.
Even opting for the FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal, the remaining FGTS balance continues to yield interest and monetary correction.
This means that the worker does not lose the benefits of the fund, he only advances part of the available amount.
One of the biggest disadvantages of FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal is the restriction in cases of dismissal without just cause.
By choosing this modality, the worker cannot withdraw the full FGTS balance if he is fired.
In this sense, it is limited to the withdrawal of 40% of the termination fine and continuing to receive annual withdrawals.
This limitation should be considered when evaluating whether FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal is Worth It.
Opt for FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal implies a reduction in the balance available in the FGTS.
For those who prefer keeping a larger fund for emergencies or future projects, this option may not be ideal.
Therefore, it is important to understand the FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal Rules before making a decision.
While annual access to cash is a benefit, it also requires careful financial planning.
The worker must keep in mind that, by opting for FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal, it compromises part of the FGTS balance each year, which can impact your long-term plans.
So, evaluate the Pros and Cons of FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal is essential to make the right choice.
Opt for FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal may be a good option for those who want early access to the fund's resources, as long as it is done adequate financial planning.
So, the advantages include flexibility and planning, while the disadvantages involve limitations in cases of dismissal and a reduction in the available balance.
To help with financial planning and controlling FGTS resources, there are several applications available that may be useful:
Furthermore, the the applications Finance professionals can help manage resources and make more informed decisions.
Finally, evaluate your needs and future plans before opting for this option, thus ensuring that you are making the best choice for your financial situation.